Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lashawna's Running Testimony

"Running without pressure but with challenge"...That is the best way
to describe this group.

I joined the Wannabee's running group under the assumption of
running with a group of cool people a few times a week
all while dropping a few pounds... But I'll have to say my experience
thus far has definitely exceeded my expectations.
Within the first month I ran over 60 miles of which 13.16 were
contributed by running my very first Half-Marathon in Toronto!
I was encouraged at the last minute to fill in for a team member who wasn't able to make it and it turn out to be a great challenge...I surprised the group and most of all myself.
I've never run further than 8 miles total at one time and I actually
finished in a respectable time of 2hrs 11 min and 37 seconds, lol! The
drive to and from the race was very eventful filled with jokes, pictures of Niagara Falls, detainment at canadian border and horrible encounter with Bambi. The entire weekend w/the group was the best experience I've had in a long time.

I can honestly say I'm proud to be a "Wannabee" and plan to continue to
allow the group to challenge me!

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